Let me start with something somewhat personal. The Valentine Event (I’ve just posted a review on Tumblr) was a mind-blowing disaster, but I also received a lot of support from a lot of people, and this made my job as Cicero for this game somewhat more bearable (Should I sayContinue Reading

The Christmas guide is all updated and done, so we are enjoying the time off and we hope you’re doing the same! Happy Holidays, see you next year 🙂  Continue Reading

I’m writing to say that: The guides for episodes  20, 21, 22  and the second spin off are available in Italian AND English. The companions page has been updated. Images up to episode 17 and table up to 22. The explorations’ page is updated and includes items and areas up to level 19 After the frantic monthContinue Reading

Hellows! This weekly updates post starts with an important announcement! I have gained 3 saints! Err, collaborators. Meet Desdhinova (Companions), Giaddy (Explorations) and Nyx (Companions)! They are helping me updating the website, and I don’t know how to say thanks T=T! Thank jooooooo. From now on, you might see their names as authorsContinue Reading

Good evening! ^^ Weekly updates: The Eldarya spin-off guide is online. The English version will be up within the day (Before 6PM EST). The italian video for the spin off is also online The illustrations page has been partially updated The guide of the summer event is online! Looking forContinue Reading

As you everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, noticed, I’m really behind with updates. Really, REALLY, behind. I’ve been thinking about how to speed up the updates and catch up as soon as possible, and in the end I’ve thought of the many, kind, people that offered to help me inContinue Reading

Ok, ok, technically it’s the 23rd, but I forgot to set up a queue and I’ve just come back XD Updated some dialogues; please let me know if there is something else wrong Updated the Month rewards. See you next Sunday °-°;Continue Reading

I haven’t posted in ages, have I? It has been a year since I got swamped by work and I decided to put this project on hiatus; to be fair, in the meantime my passion for Eldarya withered, mostly because the Italian server gets an episode once every 10 thousandContinue Reading