Summer event is online! (and uh, well, I’m “closing” this blog)


The Summer event is online, but I don’t plan to write a guide for it.

I’ve a *reputation* for being of few words when it comes to personal matters and opinions, so I’m planning to be true to myself and go straight to the point.

Let’s start with saying I’m sorry I promised to help people with episode 26 then promptly disappeared, but the Saturday after episode 26 came out I found myself sitting at the pc with a couple of hours of free time – after a 12 hrs long shift -, and I realized I’d rather be working. Yep, rather be working than spending time and money to figure out illustrations and finishing the guide, so I closed the browser, got up, and enjoyed the rest of the evening instead. I haven’t looked at Eldarya since and I’m … pretty happy about that.

The guides for episodes 25 and 26 are done, I will update them sometime this week. These are the last guides I’ll do. I won’t close the website or the tumblr, so you can still use everything that it has been done so far and consult it any time you want, as many times you want, but this is  officially the last update for Through Eldarya.

There are many reasons for that, but it boils down to the fact I don’t have much free time (and this is nothing new), and I don’t really want to spend it for a game I don’t enjoy as much anymore made by a company I appreciate less and less. I will still update the OLD guides when/if needed, because I’m a completionist, and I might do quick versions of the guide if it strikes my fancy and people find it useful (it’s data I’d collect for myself anyway), but I think it’s time to call myself out.

I want to thank everyone who has helped me in this past 3 years, especially Desdhinova, Giaddy, NekoUsagi and Nyx; everyone who has submitted LOM’s and hints and all those helpful tidbits that made my job even slightly easier, and everyone who used and/(or :p) enjoyed our work. Thank you, it really has been a pleasure to meet you all.

And that’s it, I hope you will continue to enjoy Eldarya and have a great time!


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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13/08/2019 2:00 pm

Ciao Jibrille!

Andrò al dunque come hai fatto tu.
Certo, non posso dirmi contenta di questa svolta.
Però ti capisco e, ovviamente, accetto la tua decisione anche se a malincuore.
La tua guida e il tuo sito sono stati i migliori che io abbia consultato da quando ho iniziato a giocare a Eldarya e mi mancheranno moltissimo, anche perché fino ad ora non ho trovato altri siti in italiano che offrano aiuto e informazioni come facevi tu qui.
Però, come detto prima, ti capisco. Capisco la mancanza di tempo libero, capisco il calo dell’entusiasmo e la delusione.

Ti ringrazio davvero di cuore per tutto l’aiuto fornito, per il tempo che ci hai dedicato attraverso questo sito e ti auguro un buon proseguimento e una buona vita.

Grazie di tutto!