June Updates

Update schedule for May:

  1. As soon as possible: episode 3 ANE. The guide is almost complete and should be online either tonight or tomorrow. DONE!
  2. Right after: Updated guide for episode 6TO. DONE!
  3. Easter event guide: this guide might change the schedule a bit and force me to postpone episode 4. DONE!
  4. Episode 4 guide, ANE: I need to build my maana reserves to be able to complete it but it will be probably online by May 24th and it should be completed by the end of the month: I just started making guides again, I’m not hoping I will be able to release the first 4 in time to be of any help, but I want them to be ready at least for episode 5.
  5. Episode 7 and 8 TO will be updated DONE!
  6. With the sole exception of a few pages that will be recycled, the “outdated” section will be deleted on May 31st. If there are info you particularly care about, make sure to save them DONE!

Updates scheduled for June 1st-15th.

  1. Episode 4 guide, ANE: It’s done but I had an issue with the second illustration requirements. We are working on it (with tons of help) and it will be published by Friday, whether we resolve the problem or not.
  2. Episodes 9 and 10 will be updated
  3. The companions page will be updated (Part 1 of 2)
  4. The FAQ page will be updated (Part 1 of 3)
  5. Guide formatting, if we have the time. (Part 1 of 5)


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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03/06/2021 11:10 am

Scusami, sono ancora io che rompo XD
Non vorrei dire fesserie ma da quello che so, per sbloccare la seconda Illustrazione bisogna avere almeno il 10/15% di lovvometro con tutti i flirt.
Mentre per la prima illustrazione devi scegliere di parlare con Lance, avere il lovvometro del 15/20% con lui e scegliere l’opzione corretta nel dialogo con Leiftan.
Non so se ti/vi può essere utile^^