Easter Event and… Updates?!

Indeed indeed!

We are back! ♥

Let me start by saying I’m not going to proofread this article, my Engrish will be worse than usual XD

Easter event will start soon (May 19th, 11AM CET), the first teasers on instagram have been spotted and promptly deleted but we’ve seen them anyway. I will probably write a guide, if there is any need, but I don’t know yet if it will be available within a few hours or by the end of the first day. The event release might also change the updates schedule below.

I’m sure that if you’ve been on this website in the past days you’ve noticed that, after a long break, we started making guides again (I will release the guide for episode 3 ANE tonight, and guides for episodes 1 and 2 are already available). The illustrations requirement has changed and the way we spend maana changed too, therefore I’ll have to update TO guides as well (the first 5 episodes have been fixed already) and, once I get to 24, I’ll finally write the rest.

I know I said I wanted to finish TO in the past, but without helpers and with a limited amount of maana it was impossible and I had to give up. Now i have 330.000 (I bought a few things) Antique coins on 5 accounts: I can carefully eviscerate the episodes *grabs the scalpel* and provide fresh guides.

Now, I want to be honest: I don’t know how far I will go with this project, and if I’ll be able to complete it, I might not do any new guides after the ones in march and even the ones I make won’t be available after a few hours anymore. I’m not making any promises but , as it stands, this is the plan.

The news and updates regarding the guides:

  1. All the old guides will be updated with new cost estimates, if they aren’t in the “Updating” menu, that guide is updated and reliable.
  2. In all the new guides – and slowly in the old ones too – I will add a section for the dialogues by characters; NE illustrations requirements need a careful management of LOM and this should help planning. (*)
  3. The italian version of ANE guides will be delayed, right now the episodes are still in English, I don’t see any reasons to rush.

(*) I don’t like this at all, there is so little margin when picking answers now, many are forced in order to get the illustration; it used to be only 2-3 in a whole episode….

Update schedule for May:

  1. As soon as possible: episode 3 ANE. The guide is almost complete and should be online either tonight or tomorrow.
  2. Right after: Updated guide for episode 6TO.
  3. Easter event guide: this guide might change the schedule a bit and force me to postpone episode 4.
  4. Episode 4 guide, ANE: I need to build my maana reserves to be able to complete it but it will be probably online by May 24th and it should be completed by the end of the month: I just started making guides again, I’m not hoping I will be able to release the first 4 in time to be of any help, but I want them to be ready at least for episode 5.
  5. Episode 7 and 8 TO will be updated
  6. With the sole exception of a few pages that will be recycled, the “outdated” section will be deleted on May 31st. If there are info you particularly care about, make sure to save them

That’s all for now!

PS Thanks to everyone who, after more than a year and half of inactivity, promptly offered me their support and help when I went crazy(er) and decided to start (again). I wouldn’t be able to do this without you ♥


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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