[Ask Me] How do I make money on eldarya?

Oh! I haven’t answered an Ask in a while XD

First things first: I can’t give an exact answer, not because I don’t want to, or because I have a secret I don’t want to share, it’s simply because Eldarya (like real life markets) is based on a balance of supply and demand. If I told you to sell X, and 30 people started to sell X, the equation would change and X’s price would drop, especially on a market as small as the Italian one.

I can give you some advice though:

  1. Play the minigames at least three times per day. When you wake up, after lunch and in the evening is not a hard thing to do; it takes me 5 minutes tops, and you can get an average of 15 maana each time (usually more than that!). Just counting the minigames and the daily bonus you can earn 65 maana a day, and that’s if you buy food for your legendary pet!
  2. Check the markets for items that are needed and have a low supply. At the beginning I made maana selling bindles; people still had need of the items within and not everyone could afford to open one daily, there weren’t as many legendary familiars around. Now (especially after the addition of purro’pass) it’s not worth it anymore and I simply open them, unless they’re legendary.
  3. When you don’t have anything better to sell, sell common items at a price lower than the shops; they sell fast and you can at least make a little. On markets like the Italian one though—small ones with few players—I suggest you don’t do it often; the people who buy your items for 10 maana won’t be able to see your sales for 3 days. But, if you don’t have anything better or you’re capped on that item, why not?
  4. It’s important to save money as well. Make sure to check the prices of the items at the shops as well as the market—one could be cheaper than the other. It’s not a huge save per transaction, but it can be higher than you expect at the end of the month.
  5. For the baits or the rarer things, make sure you don’t end up out of stock and, if you must, buy them when you see a good price—don’t wait until you need them!

That’s all Ican think of. Please comment if you have more tips—I’ll do the same if I remember something else! XD


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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16/05/2017 10:34 am

Ottimi consigli! Prenderàò spunto anche io, grazie!! 😉

16/05/2017 11:33 am

sinceramente e da tempo che tutte le page sulle informazioni di eldarya dicono che si puà vincere 15 maana ma a me non è mai successo.
mi capita sempre di vincere al gioco Bubbl’Temple col massimo del punteggio e mai ho vinto 15 maana.
me ne hanno dati sempre 10.
mentre gli altri due giochi non dico sempre ma spesso vinco col massimo dei punti e anche in questo caso vinco sempre 10.
bo non ho capito come vincere 15 maana 🙁

21/05/2017 3:21 pm

Sinceramente io macino ancora un sacco di maana con la vendita dei fagotti; ad esempio, oggi ne ho guadagnati circa 1000 solo grazie alla vendita di 5 sacchi.
Non comprando al mercato, e avendo quasi sempre l’inventario quasi pieno, per me questo è un grande affare.