[Ask Me] This site is not https, is it safe?

I just wanted to say that my browser flags this website as unsafe. Can’t something be done? I don’t want to get a virus…

This is a legittimate concern so I’ll answer publicly. Short version: it’s safe since it’s just a web-guide.

This site is marked unsafe because it uses http. Recently Google has tagged all the http sites as not-secure and that’s a good thing, actually! It’s basically telling you “Careful about what data you exchange with this site.”
To quote ahrefs.com: HTTPS
, or “secure http”, was developed to allow authorization and secured transactions. Exchanging confidential information needs to be secured in order to prevent unauthorized access, and https makes this happen. In many ways, https is identical to http because it follows the same basic protocols. The http or https client, such as a Web browser, establishes a connection to a server on a standard port. However, https offers an extra layer of security because it uses SSL to move data.

For all intents and purposes, HTTPS is HTTP, it’s just the secure version. A site being https or http doesn’t lower or raise the chances of getting a virus, getting phished, scammed etc per se. A site being https makes transactions more secure however, so it makes harder for people to see what you’re browsing, your credit card number, your password, your email.

Since this website is just a guide and we don’t ask for sensitive data, I’m not in a hurry to update the protocol, but it is on the update list. 

Would it be better if this site was https? Yes, It would. Mostly for me since it affects rankings XD. But also to give the registered users some extra security. I will update it as soon as I have the time to move everything over and enable the SSL certificate.

PS. Please make sure to only carry out online transactions on a https protected website.

You can find more info here or here


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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