Black friday is (almost) one month away

Good morning (here in Japan is morning ;p) people!

Just a quick reminder: it will be black Friday in a month and we can expect a promotion on Eldarya, similar to the past years. Black Friday usually offers a discount on the price of the items in the shop and it‘s good to stock up on:

  1. Incubators,
  2. Companions’ food
  3. Expensive baits that can only be bought on the shop (Crowmero, O’orulay…)
  4. Required items for past or future Episodes (Beakers, moogliz milk etc)
  5. and of course potions!

Why am I telling you over a month in advance? Well, because our companions’ food caps at 45 (15 given, 30 in inventory), so if you want to save the most, you should start depleting your reserves and avoid buying big quantities. Sure, the promotion this year might be different, but it’s not like you’re wasting maana, even if they end up doing something else!

Take care, I’m going back to my cave to anxiously wait for Halloween!


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The creator of this site. (Not so) Secretly a cat.

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