Let me start with “Happy Easter!” Or “Happy International Chocolate Eggs Day!” for people who don’t celebrate. XD I haven’t updated in a while but March was… busy, and April has been worse. I didn’t stay idle though! I updated the guide of episode 7, wrote the guides for episode 14Continue Reading

The Event guide is online and almost complete. As usual, there are info about the familiar, the illustration, the price for the outfits and other various info about the chocolate eggs locations, etcetera. I still have to add some of the dialogues and today I’ll add the last items toContinue Reading

All we know so far is that it’s an event similar to the Summer one: a special green bindle (event) has replaced the normal ones and you will be able to open (or sell) one every day for as long as the event lasts. They will probably let us know howContinue Reading

Maana Totale: about 2300-2600 Outfit: None Companions: 2 new ones, Gallytrot in boutique (400GC) and Verdheleon on  exploration (Bamboo Grove, bait: Patched plush bear) Items needed: none Items received: none Illustrations:  2,  no replays needed, crush will have to be set on “someone” Episode Video: [Not yet available] !! PLEASE NOTE !!  This guideContinue Reading