The Purro’shop is now open!


  • The shop Purro’Shop opened for the first time on November 8th, 2016. It’s a permanent event, but it’s not always accessible.
  • It allows you to exchange “Purro’Pass”, a new currency you can get by opening bindles, for the objects you normally find in them.
  • Purro’Pass replace experience points, which you can no longer obtain in the bindle, and have a drop chance of 20 to 22%.
  • The quantity of Purro’Pass you will get depends on how rare the bindle is: 25 for common, 50 rare, 75 epic, 100 legendary.
  • Once you have enough Purro’Pass, you will be able to buy the item you want from the bindles directly, of the color you like, instead of being ruled by chance.
  • You can’t buy the Companions eggs in the Purro’Shop. Minaloo and Draflayel remain a bindle exclusive.
  • For the occasion, new items have been added to the bindles.

How do you get the Purr’bindles? 

At the market of course, or one per day with the game “Purro’Swap”. To complete the game and win the daily bindle you have to collect all the items in the list and trade them in.

Sorry for the German screenshot, it was the only version I hadn’t opened the bindle for today X_x


Where do I find the items for the Purr’Bindles?

From exploration (or at the market). You can use  this table to find out where you get the various items. The list only includes the areas available on the American version. You can look by name, area, order them, etc.

Official News [here]


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23/02/2017 10:21 am

Non ho capito molto come faccio a guadagnare quei soldi per comprare nella Bancarella di Purral :’)
Ho letto ma non ci capisco aiuto^^’